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Lighthouses, towers, coastal buildings 2018
27 offers have been received for 6 properties participating in the fourth edition of the Valore Paese Fari, Torri and Edifici Costieri project:
initiative of the State Agency for the recovery and reuse of coastal structures of historical and landscape value owned by the State

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Villa Celestina a Rosignano marittimo – Livorno – Toscana

8 offers for this example of Italian rationalist architecture in one of the holiday destinations known since the 1960s.
Forte di Castagneto Carducci – Livorno – Toscana

8 offers for this small fortification on the beach in the tuscan maremma village.
Ottagono di Ca’ Roman – Venezia – Veneto

3 offers for this small fortified island belonging to the defensive system of the “five ottagons”.
Colonia Onfa – Ravenna – Emilia Romagna

3 offers the former marine colony in an area with a strong tourist vocation.
Polveriera di Bacoli – Napoli – Campania

4 offers for this building along the road that leads to the promontory of Capo Miseno on the Gulf of Pozzuoli.
Faro Semaforo Nuovo Camogli – Genova – Liguria

1 offer for this lighthouse overlooking the sea on the promontory of the Portofino Park.
Other property owned by local and regional authorities
Torre Capitolare a Porto Venere – La Spezia – Liguria

Villa Mirabello Rosignano Marittimo – Livorno – Toscana

Castello della Colombaia – Trapani – Sicilia

Lighthouses, towers, coastal buildings 2016
After the success of the 2015 call with which 11 lighthouses were proposed for redevelopment, of which 7 as Good of the State and 4 as Good of Defense, with the award of 9 lighthouses, The State Agency announced that in September concessions up to a maximum of 50 years of another 20 state-owned assets will be put in tender between towers, coastal buildings and real lighthouses throughout Italy.
The new edition of the project – explains the State – is characterized by the different type of properties proposed on the market, not only Lighthouses, but also Towers and other Coastal Buildings: a portfolio of 20 assets located throughout the Italian territory. Here are the facilities that will be given in concession up to 50 years.

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- Faro di Capo Zafferano a Santa Flavia (PA)
- Padiglione Punta del Pero a Siracusa
- Faro di Riposto a Riposto (CT)
- Stand Florio a Palermo
- Faro di Punta Libeccio sull’Isola di Marettimo – Isole Egadi (TP)
- Faro di Capo Mulini ad Acireale (CT)
- Faro di Capo Milazzo (ME)
- Faro di Capo Faro di sull’isola di Salina (ME)
- Faro di Punta Spadillo sull’Isola di Pantelleria (TP)
- Torre Castelluccia Bosco Caggioni a Pulsano (TA)
- Convento San Domenico Maggiore Monteoliveto a Taranto
- Torre d’Ayala a Taranto
- Faro di Torre Preposti a Vieste (FG)
- Faro di Punta Polveraia a Marciana, Isola d’Elba (LI)
- Faro delle Formiche sull’isola Formica Grande (GR)
- Faro di Capo Rizzuto a Isola di Capo Rizzuto (KR)
- Torre Angellara a Salerno
Emilia Romagna
- Faro del Po di Goro a Gorino Ferrarese (FE)
- Faro della Guardia sull’isola di Ponza (LT)
- Faro Spignon sull’Isola Spignon nella Laguna Sud di Venezia.
These are – explain the promoters – valuable assets distributed throughout the territory that can be revived as unique dwellings through a national network dedicated to sustainable tourism, nature, culture and the environment, able to generate economic and social value.

Here's how to buy a House for 1€ with our ebook
- Available in English, French and Spanish in PDF and epub format.
- How to buy 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
- How to find available 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
- How to plan for the purchase and renovation?
Valore Paese Fari 2015
The project Italian lighthouses restoration project of the State Agency, in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence and the other territorial authorities concerned, it is proposed, in order to enhance them and avoid them from degradation, the reuse of the network of Lighthouses, state-owned assets located in contexts of absolute beauty and full of suggestion. These properties can be recovered and reused also for tourist-receptive purposes, respecting the ecosystems in which they are inserted, or some of the most extraordinary Italian coastal territories. The goal is to enhance these assets starting from an innovative and sustainable entrepreneurial idea at an environmental level, as is already the case in Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia. These countries have long experimented with the lighthouse accommodation model: a tourist formula in a “green” key to support knowledge, development and protection of the territory.
After the success of the 2015 call with which 11 lighthouses were proposed for redevelopment, of which 7 as Good of the State and 4 as Good of Defense, with the award of 9 lighthouses, The State Agency announced that in September concessions up to a maximum of 50 years of other twenty state-owned assets will be put in competition , including coughs, coastal buildings and real headlights throughout Italy.
Lighthouses, towers, coastal buildings – Call 2016
The new edition of the project is characterized by the different type of properties proposed on the market, not only Lighthouses, but also Towers and other Coastal Buildings: a portfolio of 20 assets located throughout italy. Here are the facilities that will be given in concession up to 50 years.
- Faro di Capo Zafferano a Santa Flavia (PA); Padiglione Punta del Pero a Siracusa
- Faro di Riposto a Riposto (CT); Stand Florio a Palermo
- Faro di Punta Libeccio sull’Isola di Marettimo, Isole Egadi (TP)
- Faro di Capo Mulini ad Acireale (CT); Faro di Capo Milazzo (ME)
- Faro di Capo Faro di sull’isola di Salina (ME); Faro di Punta Spadillo sull’Isola di Pantelleria (TP)
- Torre Castelluccia Bosco Caggioni a Pulsano (TA)
- Convento San Domenico Maggiore Monteoliveto a Taranto
- Torre d’Ayala a Taranto
- Faro di Torre Preposti a Vieste (FG)
- Faro di Punta Polveraia a Marciana, Isola d’Elba (LI)
- Faro delle Formiche sull’isola Formica Grande (GR)
- Faro di Capo Rizzuto a Isola di Capo Rizzuto (KR)
- Torre Angellara a Salerno
Emilia Romagna
- Faro del Po di Goro a Gorino Ferrarese (FE)
- Faro della Guardia sull’isola di Ponza (LT)
- Faro Spignon sull’Isola Spignon nella Laguna Sud di Venezia.
These are – explain the promoters – valuable assets distributed throughout the territory that can be revived as unique dwellings through a national network dedicated to sustainable tourism, nature, culture and the environment, able to generate economic and social value
Lighthouses – Call 2015
List of the top 11 lighthouses, 7 as Good of the State and 4 as Good of Defense, of which 9 are assigned

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Colonia Onfa a Ravenna