The Way of Francis

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The Way of Francis

The Way of Francis is a cultural and spiritual itinerary, a timeless journey through hermitages, shrines, ancient forests and medieval cities. It starts from the Sanctuary of the Verna, right at the limits of Tuscany, it crosses the Apennine chain touching the places of the Franciscan heritage crossing Umbria and ends at Poggio Bustone (RI) at the Convent of San Giacomo. The Way of Francis runs mainly on paths, well marked by the CAI with long stretches of mountaintrails that do not present particular difficulties and dangers. The length of the journey, which is divided into 13 stages, is over 300 km. In each stage place you can find shelters and rooms used to accommodate the wayfarers. The municipality of Rieti has passed a memorandum, which promotes the aggregation and collaboration between the municipalities of Rieti, Labro, Morro Reatino, Colli sul Velino, Cantalice, Greccio, Rivodutri, Contigliano, Poggio Bustone and the foundation Friends of the Way of Francis, for the enhancement and coordinated promotion of the historical path of the Way of Francis in the Reatina Valley.

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