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Italiano (Italian)
A journey through the heart of Italy, which moves from Umbria, traverses all of Lazio and arrives near the border with Campania. An itinerary that follows the footprints of San Benedetto da Norcia, which touches the three most important Benedictine sites: Norcia, his birthplace; Subiaco, where he lived more than thirty years and founded several monasteries; And Montecassino, where he spent the last part of his life and wrote the Rule. It runs for approx. 390 km. Subdivided into 16 daily stages (and 4 variants) on paths, tracks and back roads. The stages are conceived according to the distances (average length of about 20 km), altitudes, and of the possibilities of accomodation. The journey is part of the plan for the cultural itineraries of Lazio (R.I.P. Route implementation Plan), for the preparation of an “integrated system of valorisation of the cultural itineraries of Lazio: Via Francigena, via Amerina and via Benedicti”, as stated in the European cultural Routes-transfer exsperiences (share solutions) in D.G.R June 1st 2012, n. 267;