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Italiano (Italian)
Who actually buys 1 euro houses? At the end of November, our Maurizio Berti made an interview for Upday News on the subject of 1 euro houses. Who are the buyers of the abandoned houses in the Italian countryside and how do they manage to buy them almost at no cost?

Here's how to buy a House for 1€ with our ebook
- Available in English, French and Spanish in PDF and epub format.
- How to buy 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
- How to find available 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
- How to plan for the purchase and renovation?
The 1 Euro Houses project has been present in Italy for quite some time. Among the greatest successes in the repopulation of small abandoned villages are certainly Sambuca and Mussomeli in Sicily. But we must not forget or exclude the rest of the Italian peninsula. There are more than 50 municipalities that participate in the 1 euro houses initiative today. But who are those who are interested in the renovation of the abandoned houses and who want to move outside of big urban centres?
Who is interested to buy 1 euro houses?
This is Maurizio’s experience:
“I constantly receive requests from foreigners, perhaps close relatives of Italians who emigrated to the United States or northern Europe after the war. There are many children and grandchildren of these people. Some speak a local italian dialect but do not know Italian”.
Mmany of them are simply curious, thinking that this initiative might be a joke. Obviously, that initial 1 euro will not give you a fully furbished new house. There are some obligations towards the municipality that one makes once they purchase the house. Among them, you must take care of needed renovation and present a sustainable reevaluation/renovation project of the house within a period decided by the municipality (usually one year from the purchase) and to bear the notary fees for registration, transfers and other administrative costs.
On our website, you wil find tons of articles and content dedicated to the process of purchase and renovation of 1 euro houses. Among other things, we’ve published an ebook that delves into more detail. It’s available for purchase on our webiste.
Source: Upday News
Go to the list of municipalities participating in the 1 Euro Houses Project