Site icon 1 Euro Houses – Cheap Houses in Italy

Fabbriche di Vergemoli – Lucca – Tuscany

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Fabbriche di Vergemoli

Also the town of Fabbriche di Vergemoli has joined the project Case a 1 Euro (1 Euro Houses). Located in Upper Tuscany, with 779 inhabitants, Fabbriche di Vergemoli rises to 349 meters above sea level, in Val Turrite in the province of Lucca. The Municipality is ready to allow the purchase of houses for 1 Euro with the bureaucratic facilitations by the authorities.

Here's how to buy a house for € 1 with our ebook

  1. Available in English, French and Spanish in PDF and epub format.
  2. How to buy 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
  3. How to find available 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
  4. How to plan for the purchase and renovation?
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The “1 Euro Houses” initiative is temporarily suspended due to a shortage of homes.
Appena il comune ne avrà altre disponibili lo comunicheremo su questa pagina.
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“Houses for 1 euro.”

In the nearby town of Vetriceto, a huge farmhouse abandoned for more than 40 years has been sold for 1 Euro and thanks to the administration, which had already been active in the past, a draft project was presented for five apartments for tourist purpose that will also bring employment benefits to the territory.

Popular saying:

Vergemoli ha le mura di menta, piange chi esce, ride chi entra (Vergemoli has the walls of mint, laughs who enters, cries who quits)

The settlements in the area date back to the medieval period, testimony of the richness of the urban fabric. The proximity of the Natural Park of the Apuan Alps makes it a naturalistic destination where the suggestive Cave of the Wind is one of the most enchanting places in the park. Also noteworthy are the Parco del Levigliese and Eremo di Calomini.

Altitudine349 metri

Comune di Fabbriche di Vergemoli – Loc. Campaccio, n. 2 Fabbriche di Vergemoli – LUCCA

Tel. +39 0583 761944

Info sul Progetto Case a 1 euro


Camilla Baccelli e Annalisa Barsi

Ecomuseo Alpi Apuane

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Attualmente disponibili 4 immobili:

Download the documentation to find out how to participate in the project 1 Euro Houses (Case a 1 Euro)

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Fabbriche di Vergemoli_Mappa

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