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So much determination is placed by the municipal administration in the 1 Euro Houses project in Caltagirone.
The historic centre of the City of Caltagirone, already recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, needs conservation interventions as well as renovations of abandoned houses.
A place of charm that through the initiative of the 1 Euro Houses project will see to its enhancement. Important from a tourism point of view, the renovation and repopulation will produce positive effects on the entire urban and economic fabric of the whole city.

Here's how to buy a House for 1€ with our ebook
- Available in English, French and Spanish in PDF and epub format.
- How to buy 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
- How to find available 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
- How to plan for the purchase and renovation?
Get to know the city of Caltagirone
Caltagirone city, is an ancient and baroque city of great tourist vocation that offers a lot to its visitors. Caltagirone is known by many names: collina dei vasi (valley of vases), queen of the mountains, clay land, fortress of jars and city of ceramics.
It is part of the metropolitan city of Catania from which it is 76 km away. Caltagirone rises in the hills at 608 meters above sea level from which the plain of Catania and Gela dominates, in an amphitheater position between the Iblei Mountains and the Erei Mountains.
Its archaeological, artistic and architectural heritage is among the most important in the Mediterranean. In particular, Caltagirone is famous in the world for the artisan production of ceramics that, even today, engages numerous artisans. Their activity, handed down from generation to generation, has been perfected over time, preserving the Moorish motifs and the typical colors of tradition: turquoise, green branch, yellow, gold, manganese.

Art and tourism in Caltagirone
Caltagirone is therefore a city of art. It offers an image of opulence, with an intact architectural and urban decoration. Not to miss are the rich monuments and sumptuous palaces in the historic center. Such example is the Palazzo Gravina and the Norman basilica of San Giacomo.
The element of greatest tourist attraction for the city remains the scenic staircase consisting of 142 steps that connect the upper city to the lower city. The staircase was built in the 17th century, and in 1954 the risers of each step were covered with tiles, painted with vivid geometric and anthropomorphic motifs. During the feast in honor of St. James, on July 24th and 25th, the staircase is illuminated with oil “coppi” lights that form different ornamental designs, thus celebrating the traditional Luminary.

On the streets of the city you can find a myriad of small shops displaying the characteristic products of this ancient art of ceramics. From dishes to majolica, from tiles to vases, used for the preservation of honey, a typical product of the area, to the original molds for custard.
How to reach Caltagirone
- Catania Fontanarossa International Airport, 56 minutes via SS417
Regione | Sicilia | |
Provincia | Catania | |
Abitanti | 37332 | |
Altitudine | 608 m |
The 1 Euro Houses Project in the city of Caltagirone
The municipality of Caltagirone has issued the regulation for the acquisition of properties to be sold, to start the recovery and enhancement of the real estate assets of the town.
They are waiting for the participation of private individuals who want to get rid of dilapidated and unused properties to be put up for sale.
Buyers who apply for acquisition must:
- Conclude a public deed of purchase of the property within two months from the enforceability of the determination of approval of the allocation ranking;
- Incur all the costs for the drafting of the transfer document (notaries, registration, volture, stacking, etc.);
- Prepare a project for the renovation and recovery of the property, acquiring all the necessary opinions, within one year from the date of purchase;
- Start work within two months of the date of issue of the building permit;
- To take out a surejussoria policy, in favor of the Municipality of Caltagirone, of the amount of € 5.000,00, valid for 3 years, to guarantee the concrete realization of the works.
The Municipality will exercise, as part of its powers, the control and verification of the correct execution of the works, with particular reference to compliance with the rules implementing the PRG and the legal provisions in force on the subject
Link to download the regulation and forms available here.

Here's how to buy a House for 1€ with our ebook
- Available in English, French and Spanish in PDF and epub format.
- How to buy 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
- How to find available 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
- How to plan for the purchase and renovation?
Contacts of the municipality of Caltagirone
Municipality of Caltagirone
Piazza Municipio,5
95041 Caltagirone (CT)
Tel: +3993341111
PEC mail: