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Cinquefrondi, the Italian country that has overcome the health emergency due to CoronaVirus, joins the project “1 Euro Houses”.
With this initiative called “Cinquefrondi Builds Beauty” Mayor Michele Conia wants to reverse the trend of depopulation and abandonment of the country.

Here's how to buy a House for 1€ with our ebook
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- How to buy 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
- How to find available 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
- How to plan for the purchase and renovation?
So Mayor Conia tells us about the initiative.
“Finding new owners for the many abandoned houses is a basic goal of the “Cinquefrondi Builds Beauty” project that I launched to recover degraded areas of the city. Despite being surrounded by the natural beauty of Aspromonte National Park and overlooking the Ionian and Tyrrhenian coasts, the urban scenery of Cinquefrondi is marked by houses in bed conditions. We rise among the refreshing hills and two warm seas, a pristine river flows nearby and the beaches are only a 15-minute drive away. But an entire neighborhood in my city is abandoned, with empty houses that are also unstable and risky.”
Cinquefrondi – Club Fotoamatorigioeisi Cinquefrondi – Antonio Riefolo Cinqefrondi – Guiseppe Tripodi
An annual insurance policy of €250 is required to guarantee the completion of the renovation until the end of the work.
Getting to know Cinquefrondi
Cinquefrondi is a Greek and Byzantine settlement and remains of the city’s ancient fortifications are visible in its arched alleys. In the local dialect words of ancient Greek are found in the names of places and streets.
The landscape is characterized by the presence of olive groves and is dotted with ruins of Greek fortresses, an ancient Greek road built to connect the two seas, from a Roman villa, now-ruined monasteries, and pagan temples.
Locals proudly call themselves the “last Greeks.”
Cinqefrondi – Tullio Pronesti Cinquefrondi – Antonio Riefolo Cinquefrondi – Antonio Riefolo
“It’s a land of cultural contamination and cross-civilization,”says Mayor Conia The door to my office is always open to anyone knocking.”
The city has recently undergone some improvements to its infrastructure. Streets, squares, ancient fountains, public parks, and even a church have been carefully restored and painted in rainbow colors.

Regione | Calabria | |
Provincia | Reggio Calabria | |
Abitanti | 6420 | |
Altitudine | 257 m |
The 1 euro houses project works slightly differently than other 1 euro houses offers in Italy. While all other cities selling houses for 1 euro require a down payment of up to €5,000 ($5,635) which the buyer loses if they fail to renovate the house within three years, Cinquefrondi simply requires an annual insurance policy of €250 until the works are completed..
The owners who intend to join the initiative must send to the Municipality of Cinquefrondi: the request for availability for the sale of the property (signed by all the legitimate owners), the cadastral documentation of the property, the photographic one of the current state, a copy of an identity document valid for the subscriber (s) of the application.
The owner undertakes to stipulate at the symbolic price of 1 euro the deed of sale of the properties, which will remain, however, his property and under his own responsibility until the date of stipulation
Buyers will have to renovate the property in certain times and bear the notarial expenses for the deed.
The Municipality guarantees the speed in issuing the enabling titles for the renovation of the property.
Back to the list of municipalities interested in the project Case a 1 Euro (1 Euro Houses)