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On September 1st, the Piedmont Region has published an announcement with which it intends to encourage those who want to change their lives by moving to a country nestled in its mountains. For those who want to live in the mountains this could be a good opportunity to move.
Living in the mountains: Opportunities for those who want to move
The President of the Piedmont Region Alberto Cirio appears optimistic about the success of the initiative. In fact, he recently explained to the media that:
“After two years of pandemic, this idea of fresh air, clean air, the possibility for those who wish to live in contact with nature, are values on which to invest for our future and for that of our extraordinary mountains”.
The initiative aims to support the revitalization and repopulation of mountain areas, as a result of the growing social needs caused by the current health emergency. Applications can be submitted on a special platform from November 2nd to December 15th, 2021.
The call allocates 10 million euros to allow those who reside in an Italian municipality not mountainous. The call intends to buy or recover a property to be made a first home, transferring your residence, to obtain a contribution from 10,000 to 40,000 euros. This applies to countries with less than 5,000 inhabitants.
Those born since 1955 will be able to submit the application. Those born after 1980 will receive a higher score.
Which municipalities in Piedmont are involved?
The mountain municipalities of Piedmont with less than 5,000 thousand inhabitants protagonists of the call are 465:
- 48 in the province of Alessandria,
- 12 in the province of Asti,
- 48 in the province of Biella,
- 132 in the province of Cuneo,
- 3 in the province of Novara,
- 132 in the province of Torino,
- 66 in the Verbano-Cusio-Ossola area,
- 24 in the province of Vercelli.
For those who join there is the opportunity to live in a place of great naturalistic value. Not to ignore the first-rate services made available to residents. The wiring of the territory and broadband in homes favors smart working. A team is available to accompany couples in integration and in the search for professional opportunities. Those interested in buying and transferring can also think of establishing an activity in the tourist and receptive field.
In sum, Piedmont offers a good opportunity for those who want to live in the mountains. More information is also available on the region’s website.
The 1 Euro Houses project in Piedmont
In addition, Piedmont also offers in some small locations the purchase of 1 Euro Houses
In the past, the municipalities of:

Here's how to buy a House for 1€ with our ebook
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- How to buy 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
- How to find available 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
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Source: La Stampa
Go to the list of municipalities participating in the 1 Euro Houses Project