1 euro houses in the historic center of Taranto

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The 1 euro houses project continues to deliver results, with requests coming from the United States and Brazil.

To confirm the interest on the part of foreign buyers is the Councilor for Heritage Gianni Cataldino:

”As is now known, there are several international investors who have decided to bet on the historic center of the city, in these first two editions of the project. On this occasion, among the awarded projects, there are interventions from the United States and Brazil.”

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Development and repopulation of the historic center of Taranto

The project to repopulate the historic center of the city seems to have borne its first fruits with the signing of the first deed on 10 November 2021.

The aim is to create a housing network as well as a widespread tourist-accommodation network, to be implemented through the sale of assets at the symbolic price of one euro in favor of all those private subjects or agencies or companies, who are willing to invest in the overall recovery project.

The projects presented also include a hi-tech building right in the city center that points towards the future. Taranto thus is reborn with the hope of revitalizing itself in the coming years.

How to join the 1 euro houses project in Taranto?

The 1EuroHouses.com team will continue to follow the municipality of Taranto and the 1 euro houses project of the municipality. As this is already the second successful call, we are hopeful that there will be others in the future as well. The Apulian city still has numerous dilapidated properties that it can offer to the public. You can follow the updates on the municipality page, or subscribe to our newsletter.

If, on the other hand, you are interested in other Italian municipalities that offer houses for 1 euro, we advise you to check our map of the municipalities with houses for 1 euro.

Source: Ansa.it, Repubblica.it, RaiNews.it

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