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Last week, our Maurizio Berti participated in a radio interview on Radio24, talking about 1 euro houses. Here’s what we said.

Here's how to buy a House for 1€ with our ebook
- Available in English, French and Spanish in PDF and epub format.
- How to buy 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
- How to find available 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
- How to plan for the purchase and renovation?
The 1 euro houses project in Italy
In the radio program, we mainly talked about the phenomenon of 1 euro houses in Sicily. Since Southern Italy suffers much more from depopulation, and therefore from an economic and job loss, the initiatives there are much more frequent. Various municipalities, among other Sambuca di Sicilia, have had a fantastic success with the project. In a few years they have repopulated and renovated the historic center. Some new inhabitants have also started many accommodation activities, thus launching a new touristic interest for the village.
Maurizio Berti explained the crux of the matter: In addition to the symbolic price of 1 euro, there is a commitment to the purchased house renewal with a limited time frame to do so. The 1 euro houses are in fact long-abandoned houses, which perhaps need more effort after the purchase than the houses from the regular real estate market. It should not be overlooked that some of the renewal costs can be deducted with the 110% governemnt aid, thus decreasing the cost incurred by the buyer.
With the interest from both foreigners and Italian citizens overgrowing the number of 1 euro houses available, houses from the regular real estate market were also sold. As the prices are very affordable and there is usually no need for an extensive renovation, these houses are for many an opportunity not to be missed.
From 1 Euro Houses to Radio24, thank you!
We sincerely thank the Radio24 team, especially Debora Rosciani and Mauro Meazza for welcoming us to their Due di Denari program.
We also thank the deputy mayor of Sambuca di Sicilia Giuseppe Cacioppo who told the experience of the Sambuca di Sicilia municipality with the 1 euro houses project.
For those who want to listen to the recording (available in Italian), you can start on their site. We are under Le case in vendita a un euro nei borghi d’Italia from January 28th, 2021. We start talking about 1 euro houses from the 25th minute onwards.
Source: Radio24
Go to the list of municipalities participating in the 1 Euro Houses Project