200 requests for 1 euro houses in Pietramelara!

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An incredible success for the small town of Pietramelara: the first announcment of the sale of 1 euro houses has already received 200 requests. As there are only a dozen houses available in the country, only the best presented projects will be able to buy the houses at the symbolic price.

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  2. How to buy 1 Euro Houses in Italy?
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The small village of Campania surprises

Pietramelara announced its 1 euro houses project in February 2021. In just over half a year they have received as many as 200 and more requests, confirming the local and foreign interest in houses at 1 euro. As a beautiful medieval village, Pietramelara has convinced many to submit their renovation projects for the 10 houses currently available.

Don’t despair though! Even if you have sent your request to Pietramelara and you are not among the 10 lucky ones to buy the houses for 1 euro, the local real estate also offers low-priced houses. In some cases there is no need for a complete renovation, as the houses are not in ruins. For those interested in improving the energy class, however, there are still funding opportunities, such as the Superbouns 110.

Pietramelara, historic center
Pietramelara, historic center

Where is Pietramelara located?

The small village of Pietramelara is located in Campania, in the province of Caserta. It is just over 70 kilometers from Naples, which is equivalent to about 1 hour of travel by car. As a mountainous location, Pietramelara becomes interesting for those who love nature and the Italian countryside, but with the possibility of the sea not too far away. With an hour’s drive, weekends by the sea are not impossible.

For more information on Pietramelara you can follow the updates on our website or subscribe to our newsletter. For information on 1 euro house projects in Italian municipalities, you can visit our complete map of participating municipalities.

Source: EdizioneCaserta.net , PaeseNews.it

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